Netflix’s Elvis series casts Matthew McConaughey as a rock and roll spy

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new Elvis … or at least a new voice for Elvis — since Austin Butler’s already got an Oscar nomination. Matthew McConaughey will voice Elvis Presley in the new Netflix series Agent Elvis, which got its first trailer on Monday. The series is set to debut on the streaming platform in March.

Agent Elvis is an adult animation series, which means lots of swearing and plenty of blood, at least based on the trailer. One thing that isn’t really in the trailer is music, which is a little surprising considering the main character is the King of Rock and Roll. Instead of singing, this series will follow Elvis Presley as he’s recruited by a shadowy government organization that has him running espionage missions and killing bad guys.

The series is created by Priscilla Presley and John Eddie. The series is designed by Robert Valley and is produced by Titmouse (The Legend of Vox Machina) and Sony Pictures Animation (Into the Spider-Verse). Netflix has yet to announce the rest of the cast of the series, but with the release on the way, we’re sure to hear more about who is helping Elvis on his spy missions.

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