Aussie Deals: Fallen Prices on Wo Long Dynasty, Plus the Best Bargains on Resi 4, Diablo IV and More!

Thank your own personal deity — possibly Leishi, Thunder God of Wo Long fame — it’s Friday. Speaking of segues, I have indeed found you the cheapest price for said Action RPG that earned an 8/10. Apparently, it’s of a decent difficulty and may very well break some of you. What a great way to spend the weekend — yelling at your TV (in triumph, because you can do this). Stay safe, save often, and see you Monday.

This Day in Gaming

– Halo Wars (X360) US launch, 2009. Sequel

– Nintendo Switch WW launch, 2017. Get it

– Zelda: Breath of the Wild (NS) launch, 2017. Get it

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays at ludicrous difficulties on YouTube.

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